How do I invite someone else to join Crisis Cleanup?

Ensuring that your entire team has access to Crisis Cleanup will improve coordination, efficiency, and administrative burdens (e.g. that piece of paper work order won't get lost in the truck; and one person won't get stuck entering the 90 that are turned back in). To invite a team member to Crisis Cleanup, log on. By default, you will be taken to the Worker Dashboard. Or you may click "Dashboard" at the top.

You will see a form where you may enter email addresses to invite teammates. Separate email addresses with commas and click "Send Invites." They will each receive an email from help@[thiswebsite].org titled, "[Your Name] Has Invited You to Join Crisis Cleanup." They will then click the activation link, follow the instructions, and log in.

You can also invite people using a temporary password. We call this the "Back of the Pickup Truck" scenario. Let's say you are at a field command center with 30 teammates. You can't type each of their email addresses, so you can create a temporary password and yell it from the back of the pickup truck to all 30 people. Each one of those people log on by clicking "I have a temporary password," and go through the process above.

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  • 0
    Richard Weir

    Aaron,  This is President Weir, first counselor in the Woodbridge, VA stake. We would like to send invitations but cannot find the link or method to do so.  Can you forward instructions?  The dashboard page seems not to have the link we need.


    Thanks for your help,

    Rick Weir

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