Help and Support Articles
Answers to questions people have actually asked...
- Deleting Your User Account
- Mandatory Phone System Training
- Problems with the Address or Location
- What Happens if My Invitation Expires?
- How do I invite someone else to join Crisis Cleanup?
- What is the procedure for duplicates
- How do I change my cell phone number, role, etc.?
- How do I assign my team to my project?
- Registration bug: After clicking the activation, it takes me to a blank screen.
- How do I go back and edit someone's information after submitting?
- I am assigned to the wrong organization
- Map does not work, or locates to the wrong location
- Error: I tried to register, but the system said my organization name or email was already taken.
- Is it Mandatory to use Crisis Cleanup?
- I have already used Crisis Cleanup. May I reuse my existing username and password on a new incident/disaster?
- I can't find a work order by searching the map, even though it's on the CSV
- Is there a way to know the dates these requests were uploaded to your site?
- Crisis Cleanup Work Order Statuses and their Definitions
- What Should I do if a Relief Organization Doesn't do the Work they've Claimed? How do I unclaim another organization's work order?
- Should I Coordinate with VOAD or Crisis Cleanup?
- How do I start a New Incident? How do we use Crisis Cleanup for a Future Disaster?
- Can I use Crisis Cleanup in Between Disasters?
- Is it Possible to add Fields/Questions to the Needs Assessment Form?
- Can 2-1-1s Use Crisis Cleanup?
- Does Crisis Cleanup Help with Long Term Recovery and Rebuilding?
- What client information should I include on the Needs Assessment?
- Does Crisis Cleanup do Donations Management?
- Is Crisis Cleanup an National Organization?
- How much does Crisis Cleanup cost?
- Can I use Crisis Cleanup to Manage Volunteers?